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Rebecca has worked for more than a decade in New Zealand and Queensland school environments, first as a music teacher, and since 2014, has been a counsellor of students. Over this time she has developed knowledge of the educational systems in both countries to provide emotional support and guidance to adolescents and their parents. She has a Master of Counselling degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is a member of The Queensland Guidance and Counselling Association (QGCA) and a Level 4 Clinical Member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA). 


She is interested in early childhood development and primary care-giver relationships, as the carer-to-child relationship can be the entry point for how children grow positive feelings towards themselves, and trust with their attachment figures (parents, friends, intimate partners) throughout the lifespan.


She has taught in higher education on courses such as educational studies, communication, counselling and psychotherapy theory and practice. She is developing a self-care course for teachers. 




Mobile (+61) 0405 917 821

Brisbane QLD 4121, Australia

ABN 50 747 317 962


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